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Wang Yi: Regional Countries Need to Be Vigilant Against Three Negative Moves

On July 13, 2023 local time, when attending the series of foreign ministers’ meetings on East Asia cooperation in Jakarta, Director of the Office of the Central Commission for Foreign Affairs Wang Yi stressed that under the current circumstances, regional countries need to be particularly vigilant against three negative moves that bear on regional peace and security.

First, be vigilant against the accelerated infiltration of the so-called Indo-Pacific Strategy, which would impact ASEAN centrality and the effective regional cooperation architecture with ASEAN at the center.

Second, be vigilant against NATO’s attempt to meddle in the region, and introduce the Cold War mentality and bloc confrontation. Such moves would undermine the peace and stability resulting from years-long efforts by regional countries.

Third, be vigilant against non-regional powers’ attempts to interfere in regional affairs, sow discord and undermine the solidarity and cooperation among regional countries by exploiting the South China Sea issue.

Source : china-embassy

