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Russia is Trying to Recruit Foreign Migrants Who Were Not Allowed Into Finland to Fight in the War in Ukraine – BBC

Russia is trying to recruit foreign migrants who cannot get into Finland after the borders are closed.

This is reported by the BBC news service, which described several such cases.

Foreigners were detained for violating immigration laws and threatened with deportation. Then “some of the arrested migrants were approached by military representatives and offered work for the state.”

“They were promised good wages, medical care and permission to stay in Russia after a one-year army contract,” the BBC reported, citing a Somali named Awad (not his real name).

Fearing deportation to Somalia, where he said the refugee was in danger, he signed the contract along with five other Somalis, five Arab men and a Cuban citizen.

“They were put on a bus and driven south,” the article says. 

“Awad” said that they were placed in a large tent camp on the border with Ukraine. When the foreigners realized that they had been brought to war, they demanded that their contracts be cancelled. For this, the military threatened them with prison for violating military laws, but later said they would be deported. Courts on this issue are still ongoing.

Somali radio Kulmiye writes that at least 60 citizens of the country are being held in Russian detention centers, where they are being approached by military recruiters. At least eight people agreed to sign a contract with the Russian army.

Header shot on bbc.com

Earlier, Nepal police detained suspects of recruiting mercenaries into the Russian army .

Source : CTPAHA.UA

