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Xi Jinping Holds Meeting With Cuban President on the Sidelines of the BRICS Summit

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JOHANNESBURG – Chinese President Xi Jinping had a meeting with Cuban President Diaz-Canel on the sidelines of the BRICS Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa (South Africa), Thursday (24/8/2023). Strengthening bilateral relations became the main topic they discussed.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) spokesperson Wang Wenbin said that during the meeting Diaz-Canel told Xi that currently Cuba-China relations were at the highest level in history. Diaz-Canel said his country supports the Global Development Initiative, Global Security Initiative and Global Civilization Initiative proposed by Xi.

“Cuba is ready to work with China to deepen Belt and Road cooperation, build a Cuban-Chinese community with a shared future, and move forward together on the path of building socialism with individual characteristics,” Wang said.

In addition, Diaz-Canel also said that Cuba is ready to work with China to ensure the success of the G77-China Summit. Meanwhile, Xi recalled Diaz-Canel’s state visit to Beijing in November last year. The visit resulted in a consensus to deepen China-Cuba ties.

“With the joint efforts of both parties, the consensus was implemented effectively. China stands ready to work with Cuba to continuously deepen political mutual trust, broaden practical cooperation, strengthen strategic coordination, and promote special friendly relations between the two sides and the two countries,” said Wang Wenbin.

During the meeting with Diaz-Canel, Xi also expressed gratitude for Cuba’s support on issues related to China’s core interests. “China will continue to resolutely support the Cuban people in their just struggle to defend their sovereignty and oppose external interference and blockade. China will do its best to provide support for Cuba’s economic and social development,” Wang said.

Regarding the G77-China Summit, Xi said the forum was an important platform for cooperation among developing countries. Xi supports Cuba in holding the G77-China Summit next month. “China is ready to work with Cuba and other members of the G77 to better safeguard the common interests and development rights of developing countries,” said Wang.


